Reclaiming Our Divine Nature: The Age of Aquarius©

Natasha Alter

Most of us are familiar with the concept of the “Aquarian Age” as the new era humanity is moving into, leaving behind 2000 years of the Age of Pisces. Let’s take a closer look at what this new age signifies and how we as individuals and as a collective can participate, facilitate and activate this Grand Transition.


What Are the “Ages?”

The astrological “ages” are the result of our planet’s rotation along it’s axis, a motion that takes about 26,000 years to complete. Each of the twelve ages lasts about 2,150 years.
Every time there is a transition from one astrological age to another, the collective consciousness on the planet goes through major shifts and humanity as a whole is impacted on many levels — socially, economically, politically, and culturally. The essential quality of the sign or archetype of each age will determine the nature of that change and will have an imprint on the collective human experience for over 2000 years.

There are many different perspectives about when, exactly, the age of Aquarius begins. But the transition itself takes several centuries to complete — as each new experience takes time to integrate and assimilate. At the moment we as humanity are in the midst of that transition, experiencing the simultaneous release of the old paradigms and the emergence of a completely new reality, both individually and collectively.

What we are leaving behind…

Pisces as an archetype stands for transcendence of duality, dissolution of boundaries between human and Divine, and the ultimate union with “All that Is.” It is the highest stage of human experience in this earthly dimension and the last stage of the zodiacal wheel. So the Age of Pisces has brought numerous spiritual movements, birthed several monotheistic religions, as well as resulted in massive amounts of religious wars and conflicts.

The devotional spirit of Piscean influence, combined with the archetype of Virgo on the other end of the axis, emphasized virtues of humility, selfless service, compassion and a spiritual way of life. At the same, the belief in the inherent imperfection of human beings and our insignificance in the face of an “all-mighty God” became deeply implanted in the collective psyche.

As a result, shame and guilt combined with the notion of punishment, permeated human experience. Suffering became glorified, and martyrdom praised. Fear itself has become a major force in subjugating the individual spirit and controlling the masses. Separation between Man and God, body and soul, flesh and spirit led to the suppression of sexuality, oppression of the feminine, and disconnection from our very planet and its nature.

The Age of Man

To understand the quality of the emerging Era, we have to tap into the essence of the Aquarian archetype. Aquarius, the Water Bearer, represents “Human” in the Zodiacal wheel. With its ruling planet Uranus, it holds the principle of Higher Mind, with its ability to objectify reality in an impersonal way.

It represents humanity as a collective, united and impersonal, thus ruling groups and communal experiences. Social progress, innovative thinking, revolutionary changes, supreme human intelligence and creative genius, scientific breakthroughs and intuitive channeling, egalitarian systems and utopian models of communities are amongst many expressions of Aquarian energy.

On the opposite side of Aquarius is the sign of Leo, representing individual expression, uniqueness, creative potential and inner Divinity of each human being. Together with the Aquarian principle, this axis holds the highest principles of Human as individual and humanity as whole.

We can therefore say that the shift from the Age of Pisces (God) to the age of Aquarius (HuMan) is the time of human beings reclaiming our inherent potential and Divinity. It’s a shift from externalization of spiritual authority to reconnection to inner Source, from God without to God within.

It’s the time for human beings to remember our Divine origin and reclaim our Cosmic nature. Already today, we are witnessing numerous spiritual movements and teachings calling each of us to reconnect to our Divine nature, reactivate our dormant potential, rediscover and cultivate our inner guidance, and step into personal leadership.

Unity Through Diversity

The Aquarian group energy, without recognition and honoring of individual values, can lead to an imbalanced expression where the benefit of the collective undermines and suffocates individual voices and well-being. We have seen examples of that extreme energy manifested in communist regimes of the Soviet Union and China, amongst others.

It is only through acknowledgement and support of individual uniqueness that the future societies and communities will find an enlightened manifestation. Unity through Diversity will be fundamental in the formation of healthy future societies and will create a new value system based on sovereignty and respect of individual expression.

With Aquarius representing creative human genius, we will be seeing exponential advancement of science, exploration of space and possible reconnection to conscious life outside of our planet. Scientific breakthroughs will lead to further expansion of our understanding of reality, and the veil between science and spirituality will continue to be erased.

This, in turn, will give us an unprecedented ability to harness the energy of the Cosmos. We will be able to create and manipulate matter and life forms. This is a knowledge that gives power, and with power comes tremendous responsibility.

We have numerous accounts in ancient texts of advanced civilizations destroying themselves and the environment through abuse of the technology at their hands. The manner in which knowledge and technology will be used will reflect the level of consciousness humanity as a whole is embodying at that time.

Connecting Mind and Heart

So what is the balanced expression of an impersonal mental realm of Aquarius? As mentioned earlier, on the other side of Aquarius is the sign of Leo ruled by the Sun, representing heart in our bodies, and the heart of Humanity as an entity.

It is only through alignment with the Heart that we can achieve spectacular progress beneficial to all sentient beings and the planet itself. When knowledge is channeled through the Heart, it is in harmony with Divine Law, serving as a pathway to an enlightened existence and Spiritual alignment.

Each of us can assist this evolution by aligning our minds with our hearts as a daily practice, a meditation, a way of Life itself. And by doing so, we can actively participate and impact the evolutionary unfoldment of the dawning Age.

About the Author:  Natasha Alter is a Spiritual counselor and an Evolutionary Astrologer, practicing the art of Astrology for over 10 years. As a modern Mystic, she bridges the ancient knowledge with contemporary tools to create a profound healing and awaken the inner wisdom in her clients. Devoted to the path of deep SoulWork and Transformation, she is passionate about guiding others to uncover their true authenticity and potential. In her practice, Natasha combines subtle understanding of human psyche, keen intuition and compassionate counseling skills to provide optimal support to her clients.
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